Beyond Esok: Notes and Postscripts from the Jakarta Biennale 2021
This oldest art exhibition for the public in Jakarta returned on 21 November 2021–21 January 2022. Presenting 38 international artists who collaborated with 50 art collectives and groups in and outside the country, the Jakarta Biennale ESOK could be seen as a testimony to the art scene’s resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. This book serves as an archive of the event with a brief reflection on what the theme ESOK (‘tomorrow’) means for the exhibition’s continuity as an indispensable part of the city of Jakarta.
Beyond ESOK: Notes and Postscripts from the Jakarta Biennale 2021
© Diaz Ramadhansyah, Dolorosa Sinaga, Farah Wardani, Grace Samboh, Qinyi Lim, Sally Texania
Published by
Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Arts Council) in cooperation with Jakarta Biennale Foundation. Jakarta Arts Council’s Fine Arts Committee
2020–2023 are Aidil Usman, Danton Sihombing, Harry Purwanto, Cecil Mariani, and Farah Wardani.
Editor: Farah Wardani, Ninus Andarnuswari
Writer: Dolorosa Sinaga, Farah Wardani, Grace Samboh, Qinyi Lim, Sally Texania
Contributor: Diaz Ramadhansyah
Managing Editor: Ari Prameswari
Designer: Zulfikar Arief
Translator: Sameera Anand
Secretariat: Cempaka Pertiwi, Ebbie Setyoso
Photographer: Anto Wicaksono, Opang Darmawan, Pikar Pikir, Revaldi Muhammad
First edition, November 2022
x + 206 hlm